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7 Steps to Set Intentional Goals

My definition of a goal is achieving the end result of an intention you made. The intention is seeing the big picture.

When setting intentional goals get clear on your why and how you want to feel. Ensure your goals are in alignment with your values. When creating your goals, shift your mindset to believing it is possible. Also, be open to your goals changing and evolving over time.

What you will need: - a pencil

- a journal

- some uplifting music

- time and space to dive in deep

How to set intentional goals:

1. Write down exactly what you want. Describe what it will take to get to your goal

2. Break down your goal into small tangible steps. Expand how you spend your time and how you can incorporate your action steps in your every day life.

3. Set timelines to ensure you are moving towards completing your goal.

4. Motivate and empower yourself with affirmations, images or display a chart of your goals where you can see it every day. Possible do a visualization meditation.

5. Surround yourself around people who support, inspire, empower you and hold you accountable.

6. Understand when you need help and connect to someone who can help you.

7. Get clear on the benefits of your goal. Examine what is the cost of not setting goals, the weight of being in the same place as you are from 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or even 5 years from now.

8. Clarify how this benefits not only you, but something much bigger than yourself, for all your relations, for the collective.

I am so excited for you to take a moment to sit and reflect on your life. Give yourself the permission to carve time out to examine where you would like to set intentional goals, make a plan and take action! Possibly put a timer on for 15 minutes to ground down and create that container for yourself. These goals could be around reducing stress, building a better relationship with your family/partner/friends, switching careers, learning something new, connecting with your cycle. Whatever it is, know that you are so worthy of achieving what you desire. Change comes from the inside out, not the outside in. First you have to make the decision within your mind that you want to change, then the outside will eventually change with inspired action. If you ever need support or guidance with getting clear on your path, book a clarity call with me and I would love to help support you!


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